13 foods you should eat during pregnancy


Maintaining a healthy diet during pregnancy isvery important.During this time, your body needs additionalnutrients, vitamins and minerals .In fact, you may need 350–500 extra calorieseach day during the 2nd and 3rd trimesters.A diet that lacks key nutrients may negativelyaffect the baby’s development .Poor eating habits and excess weight gain mayalso increase the risk of gestational diabetesand pregnancy or birth complications .Put simply, choosing healthy, nutritious foodswill help ensure the health of you and yourbaby.It will also make it a lot easier to lose thepregnancy weight after you’ve given birth.Here are 13 highly nutritious foods to eat when you’re pregnant.


During pregnancy, you need to consume extraprotein and calcium to meet the needs of thegrowing fetus .Dairy products contain two types of highquality protein: casein and whey.

Dairy is the best dietary source of calcium, and provideshigh amounts of phosphorus, various B-vitamins,magnesium and zinc.Yogurt, especially Greek yogurt, is particularlybeneficial for pregnant women .It contains more calcium than any other dairyproduct. Some varieties also contain probioticbacteria, which support digestive health .People who are lactose intolerant may also beable to tolerate yogurt, especially probioticyogurt.Taking probiotic supplements during pregnancymay reduce the risk of complications such aspreeclampsia, gestational diabetes, vaginalinfections and allergies.

BOTTOM LINE:Dairy products, especially yogurt, are agreat choice for pregnant women. Dairyproducts help meet increased protein andcalcium needs. Probiotics may also helpreduce the risk of complications.This group of food includes lentils, peas, beans,chickpeas, soybeans and peanuts.Legumes are excellent plant-based sources offiber, protein, iron, folate (B9) and calcium, allof which the body needs more of duringpregnancy.Folate is one of the B-vitamins (B9). It is veryimportant for the health of the mother andfetus, especially during the first trimester.However, most pregnant women are notconsuming nearly enough folate.


This has been linked with an increased risk ofneural tube defects and low birth weight.Insufficient folate intake may also cause thechild to be more prone to infections and diseaselater in life (17 , 18 ).Legumes contain high amounts of folate. Onecup of lentils, chickpeas or black beans mayprovide from 65–90% of the RDA (19 ).Furthermore, legumes are generally very high infiber. Some varieties are also high in iron,magnesium and potassium.

BOTTOM LINE:Legumes are great sources of folate,fiber and many other nutrients. Folate isa very important nutrient duringpregnancy, and may reduce the risk ofsome birth defects and diseases.


Sweet potatoes are very rich in beta-carotene,a plant compound that is converted into vitaminA in the body.Vitamin A is essential for growth, as well asfor the differentiation of most cells and tissues.It is very important for healthy fetaldevelopment .Pregnant women are generally advised toincrease their vitamin A intake by 10–40% .However, they are also advised to avoid veryhigh amounts of animal-based sources ofvitamin A, which may cause toxicity when eatenin excess .Therefore, beta-carotene is a very importantsource of vitamin A for pregnant women.Sweet potatoes are an excellent source ofbeta-carotene. About 100–150 grams (3.5–5.3 oz) of cooked sweet potatoes fulfills theentire RDI.Furthermore, sweet potatoes contain fiber, whichmay increase fullness, reduce blood sugarspikes and improve digestive health and mobility.

BOTTOM LINE:Sweet potatoes are an excellent sourceof beta-carotene, which the bodytransforms into vitamin A. Vitamin A isimportant for the growth anddifferentiation of cells in the growing foetus.


Salmon is very rich in essential omega-3 fattyacids.Most people, including pregnant women, are notgetting nearly enough omega-3 from their diet .Omega-3 fatty acids are essential duringpregnancy, especially the long-chain omega-3fatty acids DHA and EPA.These are found in high amounts in seafood,and help build the brain and eyes of the fetus.Yet pregnant women are generally advised tolimit their seafood intake to twice a week, dueto the mercury and other contaminants foundin fatty fish .This has caused some women to avoid seafoodaltogether, thus limiting the intake of essentialomega-3 fatty acids.However, studies have shown that pregnantwomen who eat 2–3 meals of fatty fish perweek achieve the recommended intake ofomega-3 and increase their blood levels of EPAand DHA .Salmon is also one of very few naturalsources of vitamin D, which is often lacking inthe diet. It is very important for manyprocesses in the body, including bone health andimmune function.

BOTTOM LINE:Salmon contains the essential omega-3fatty acids EPA and DHA, which areimportant for brain and eye developmentin the growing baby. Salmon is also anatural source of vitamin D.


Eggs are the ultimate health food, because theycontain a little bit of almost every nutrientyou need.A large egg contains 77 calories, as well ashigh-quality protein and fat. It also containsmany vitamins and minerals.Eggs are a great source of choline. Choline isessential for many processes in the body,including brain development and health .A dietary survey in the US showed that over 90% of people consumed less than therecommended amount of choline .Low choline intake during pregnancy mayincrease the risk of neural tube defects and possibly lead to decreased brain function .A single whole egg contains roughly 113 mg ofcholine, which is about 25% of the recommendeddaily intake for pregnant women (450 mg).

BOTTOM LINE:Whole eggs are incredibly nutritious anda great way to increase overall nutrientintake. They also contain choline, anessential nutrient for brain health anddevelopment.


Broccoli and dark, green vegetables, such askale and spinach, contain many of the nutrientsthat pregnant women need.These include fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K,vitamin A, calcium, iron, folate and potassium.Furthermore, broccoli and leafy greens are richin antioxidants. They also contain plantcompounds that benefit the immune system anddigestion .Due to their high fiber content, these vegetablesmay also help prevent constipation. This is avery common problem among pregnant women.Consuming green, leafy vegetables has also beenlinked with a reduced risk of low birth weight.

BOTTOM LINE:Broccoli and leafy greens contain mostof the nutrients that pregnant womenneed. They are also rich in fiber, whichmay help prevent or treat constipation.


Beef, pork and chicken are excellent sources ofhigh-quality protein.Furthermore, beef and pork are also rich iniron, choline and other B-vitamins — all ofwhich are needed in higher amounts duringpregnancy.Iron is an essential mineral that is used by redblood cells as a part of hemoglobin. It isimportant for delivering oxygen to all cells inthe body.Pregnant women need more iron, since theirblood volume is increasing. This is particularlyimportant during the third trimester.Low levels of iron during early and mid-pregnancy may cause iron deficiency anemia,which doubles the risk of premature deliveryand low birth weight .It may be hard to cover iron needs with dietalone, especially since many pregnant womendevelop an aversion to meat .
However, for those who can, eating red meatregularly may help increase the amount of ironacquired from the diet.Eating foods that are rich in vitamin C, such asoranges or bell peppers, may also help increaseabsorption of iron from meals.

BOTTOM LINE:Lean meat is a good source of high-quality protein. Beef and pork are alsorich in iron, choline and B-vitamins, all ofwhich are important nutrients during pregnancy.


Fish liver oil is made from the oily liver of fish,most often cod.The oil is very rich in the omega-3 fatty acidsEPA and DHA, which are essential for fetalbrain and eye development .Fish liver oil is also very high in vitamin D,which many people do not get enough of. Itmay be highly beneficial for those who don’tregularly eat seafood or supplement withomega-3 or vitamin D.Low vitamin D intake has been linked with anincreased risk of preeclampsia. This potentiallydangerous complication is characterized by highblood pressure, swelling of the hands and feet,and protein in the urine .Consuming cod liver oil during early pregnancyhas been linked with higher birth weight and alower risk of disease later in the baby’s life.A single serving (one tablespoon) of fish liveroil provides more than the recommended dailyintake of omega-3, vitamin D and vitamin A.However, it is not recommended to consumemore than one serving (one tablespoon) perday, because too much preformed vitamin A canbe dangerous for the fetus. High levels ofomega-3 may also have blood-thinning effects.

BOTTOM LINE:A single serving of fish liver oil providesmore than the required amount ofomega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D andvitamin A. Fish liver oil may beparticularly important for women whodon’t eat seafood.


Berries are packed with water, healthy carbs,vitamin C, fiber and plant compounds.They generally contain high amounts of vitaminC, which helps the body absorb iron.Vitamin C is also important for skin health andimmune function .Berries have a relatively low glycemic indexvalue, so they should not cause major spikes inblood sugar.Berries are also a great snack because theycontain both water and fiber. They provide alot of flavor and nutrition, but with relativelyfew calories.

BOTTOM LINE:Berries contain water, carbs, vitamin C,fiber, vitamins, antioxidants and plantcompounds. They may help pregnantwomen increase their nutrient and waterintake.


Eating whole grains may help meet the increasedcalorie requirements that come with pregnancy,especially during the second and thirdtrimesters.As opposed to refined grains, whole grains arepacked with fiber, vitamins and plantcompounds.Oats and quinoa also contain a fair amount ofprotein, which is important during pregnancy.Additionally, whole grains are generally rich inB-vitamins, fiber and magnesium. All of theseare frequently lacking in the diets of pregnantwomen .

BOTTOM LINE:Whole grains are packed with fiber,vitamins and plant compounds. They arealso rich in B-vitamins, fiber andmagnesium, all of which pregnant womenneed.


Avocados are an unusual fruit because theycontain a lot of monounsaturated fatty acids.They are also high in fiber, B-vitamins(especially folate), vitamin K, potassium, copper,vitamin E and vitamin C.Because of their high content of healthy fats,folate and potassium, avocados are a greatchoice for pregnant women.The healthy fats help build the skin, brain andtissues of the fetus, and folate may helpprevent neural tube defects .Potassium may help relieve leg cramps, a sideeffect of pregnancy for some women. Avocadosactually contain more potassium than bananas.

BOTTOM LINE:Avocados contain high amounts ofmonounsaturated fatty acids, fiber,folate and potassium. They may helpimprove fetal health and relieve the legcramps that are common in pregnantwomen.


Dried fruit is generally high in calories, fiberand various vitamins and minerals.One piece of dried fruit contains the sameamount of nutrients as fresh fruit, just withoutall the water and in a much smaller form.Therefore, one serving of dried fruit canprovide a large percentage of the recommendedintake of many vitamins and minerals, includingfolate, iron and potassium.Prunes are rich in fiber, potassium, vitamin Kand sorbitol. They are natural laxatives, andmay be very helpful in relieving constipation.Dates are high in fiber, potassium, iron andplant compounds. Regular date consumption inthe third trimester may help facilitate cervicaldilation and reduce the need to induce labor.However, dried fruit also contains high amountsof natural sugar. Make sure to avoid thecandied varieties, which contain even moresugar.Although dried fruit may help increase calorie and nutrient intake, it is generally notrecommended to consume more than oneserving at a time.

BOTTOM LINE:Dried fruit may be highly beneficial forpregnant women, since they are smalland nutrient-dense. Just make sure to limit your portions and avoid the candied varieties.

During pregnancy, blood volume increases by upto 1.5 liters. Therefore, it is important to stayproperly hydrated .The fetus usually gets everything it needs, butif you don’t watch your water intake, youmay become dehydrated.Symptoms of mild dehydration includeheadaches, anxiety, tiredness, bad mood andreduced memory.Furthermore, increasing water intake may helprelieve constipation and reduce the risk ofurinary tract infections, which are commonduring pregnancy .General guidelines recommend drinking about 2liters of water per day, but the amount youreally need varies by individual.As an estimate, you should be drinking about1–2 liters each day. Just keep in mind thatyou also get water from other foods andbeverages, such as fruit, vegetables, coffee andtea.As a rule of thumb, you should always drinkwater when you’re thirsty, and drink untilyou’ve quenched your thirst.

BOTTOM LINE:Drinking water is important because ofthe increased blood volume duringpregnancy. Adequate hydration may alsohelp prevent constipation and urinarytract infections.


What you eat during pregnancy affects yourenergy and well-being.

It may also directly affect the health anddevelopment of your baby.Since calorie and nutrient needs are increased,it is very important that you choose nutrient-dense, healthy foods.

Gaining weight during pregnancy is normal, butit is important to gain it the healthy way.

Thisbenefits you, your baby and your health afterthe pregnancy.This list should be a good start towards ahealthy, well-nourished pregnancy.



9 ways to grow long healthy hair


Make Your Beard Grow Faster

Not all men find it easy to grow a beard. The rate of growth of facial hair mainly depends on your genetics. You can’t change the genetic makeup but certain things can be done to speed up the growth rate to the maximum potential.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil massage is one of the ways in which you can increase the growth of facial hair. Combine coconut oil with rosemary oil (10 parts coconut oil with 1 part rosemary oil). Apply the mixture to the face with the help of a cotton ball. Rinse with cool water after about 15 minutes. Do this thrice a week for best results.

Amla Oil

Amla (the Indian gooseberry) can stimulate the growth of facial hair. You can use it alone or combine it with mustard leaves. Massage amla oil onto your face and leave it on for about 20 minutes before rinsing it using cold water. Grind a few mustard leaves into a paste and mix it with a few drops of amla oil and use it in the same way.

Lemon and Cinnamon

Mix one teaspoonful of grinded cinnamon bark with two teaspoonfuls of lemon juice. Apply the mixture over the face and then rinse with cold water after 20 minutes. Use this remedy about twice a week for good results.

Eucalyptus Oil

Combine eucalyptus oil with any carrier oil (olive oil or sesame oil). Mix the two and massage it onto the facial skin. Leave it on for at least 20 minutes before rinsing with cold water.

Clean Moisturised Skin

When skin is moisturized, there is a better environment for facial hair to grow quickly. Moreover, there shouldn’t be oil, dirt and dead skin that hampers your hair follicles to breakthrough. Your facial hair grows much faster when your face is consistently kept clean and moisturised.

Protein and Saturated Fat

The two crucial nutrients key to promote healthy, fast hair growth (including facial hair growth) are proteins and saturated fat. Incorporate healthy sources of protein (such as beans and fish) and saturated fat (eggs and animal fat) to promote facial hair growth.

Balanced Vitamin Intake

You need the balance of vitamins A, C, and E in order to promote facial hair growth. These help maintain your follicles and sebum, and improve circulation to create better environment for beard to grow.

Exercise Daily

Exercising regularly improves blood circulation which is key to stimulating hair growth. Physical activity aid nutrients reach the hair follicles in your face. Take out 20 minutes for exercise every day as it can make a big difference!

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12 ways to loss weight quickly

You know the drill when it comes to losing weight: take in fewer calories, burn more calories. But you also know that most diets and quick weight-loss plans don't work as promised. If you're trying to drop a few pounds fast, these trusted expert tips will make it easy for you to lose the weight quickly.

1. Write down what you eat for one week and you will lose weight.

 Studies found that people who keep food diaries wind up eating about 15 percent less food than those who don’t. Watch out for weekends: A University of North Carolina study found people tend to consume an extra 115 calories per weekend day, primarily from alcohol and fat. (Though good news: You can work out only on weekends and still lose weight.) Then cut out or down calories from spreads, dressings, sauces, condiments, drinks, and snacks; they could make the difference between weight gain and loss. Don’t miss these other tricks for stopping weekend weight gain.

2. Add 10 percent to the amount of daily calories you think you’re eating

If you think you’re consuming 1,700 calories a day and don’t understand why you’re not losing weight, add another 170 calories to your guesstimate. Chances are, the new number is more accurate. Adjust your eating habits accordingly. For instance, your cup of coffee might have more calories than you thought.

3. Get an online weight loss buddy to lose more weight

A University of Vermont study found that online weight-loss buddies help you keep the weight off. The researchers followed volunteers for 18 months. Those assigned to an Internet-based weight maintenance program sustained their weight loss better than those who met face-to-face in a support group. You and your weight loss buddy can share tips like these ways to lose weight without exercise.

4. Get a weight-loss mantra

You’ve heard of a self-fulfilling prophecy? If you keep focusing on things you can’t do, like resisting junk food or getting out the door for a daily walk, chances are you won’t do them. Instead (whether you believe it or not) repeat positive thoughts to yourself. “I can lose weight.” “I will get out for my walk today.” “I know I can resist the pastry cart after dinner.” Repeat these phrases and before too long, they will become true for you. Try these other daily mantras that can help you reach your goals.

5. After breakfast, stick to water

At breakfast, go ahead and drink orange juice. But throughout the rest of the day, focus on water instead of juice or soda. The average American consumes an extra 245 calories a day from soft drinks. That’s nearly 90,000 calories a year—or 25 pounds! And research shows that despite the calories, sugary drinks don’t trigger a sense of fullness the way that food does.

6. Eat three fewer bites of your meal

…or one less treat a day, or one less glass of orange juice. Doing any of these can save you about 100 calories a day, and that alone is enough to prevent you from gaining the two pounds most people mindlessly pack on each year.

7. Watch one less hour of TV

A study of 76 undergraduate students found the more they watched television, the more often they ate and the more they ate overall. Sacrifice one program (there’s probably one you don’t really want to watch anyway) and go for a walk instead—in even just 15 minutes.

[8. Wash something thoroughly once a week

Whether that’s a floor, a couple of windows, the shower stall, bathroom tile, your car, or one of these everyday items no one cleans enough, a 150-pound person will burn about four calories for every minute spent cleaning. Scrub for 30 minutes and you could work off approximately 120 calories, the same number in a half-cup of vanilla frozen yogurt. If you do treat yourself with fro yo, stick with these nutritionist-approved toppings.

9. Wait until your stomach rumbles before you reach for food

It’s stunning how often we eat out of boredom, nervousness, habit, or frustration—so often, in fact, that many of us have actually forgotten what physical hunger feels like. Hankering for a specific food, it’s probably a craving, not hunger. If you’d eat anything you could get your hands on, chances are you’re truly hungry. Learn how to recognize these feelings mistaken for hunger, then find ways other than eating to express love, tame stress, and relieve boredom. But talk to your doctor if you think you’re always hungry for a medical reason.

10. Eat in front of mirrors and you’ll lose weight

One study found that eating in front of mirrors slashed the amount people ate by nearly one-third. Having to look yourself in the eye reflects back some of your own inner standards and goals, and reminds you of why you’re trying to lose weight in the first place.

11. Spend 10 minutes a day walking up and down stairs

The Centers for Disease Control says that’s all it takes to help you shed as much as 10 pounds a year (assuming you don’t start eating more).

16. Don’t buy any prepared food

… that lists sugar, fructose, or corn syrup among the first four ingredients on the label. You should be able to find a lower-sugar version of the same type of food. If you can’t, grab a piece of fruit instead, especially if you show signs you’re eating too much sugar. Look for sugar-free varieties of foods such as ketchup, mayonnaise, salad dressing, and these other foods with way more sugar than you realize. Also, avoid partially hydrogenated foods, and look for more than two grams of fiber per 100 calories in all grain products. Finally, a short ingredient list means fewer flavor enhancers and empty calories. Sounds impossible, but you can actually learn how to give up sugar without missing it.

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Migraine: symptoms, causes and preventions


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A migraine is an extreme and excruciating cerebral pain. They can be gone before or joined by tactile cautioning signs, for example, flashes of light, blind sides, shivering in the arms and legs, queasiness, retching, and expanded affectability to light and sound.
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Glaucoma: cause and prevention

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What is glaucoma?

Glaucoma is an eye infection that causes vision misfortune and can cause visual impairment. Glaucoma is unsafe in light of the fact that the most widely recognized sort—called "open-edge" glaucoma—does not for the most part cause side effects at first.

What causes glaucoma?
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How to control hypertension


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In the event that you've been determined to have hypertension, you may be stressed over taking pharmaceutical to cut your numbers down.

Way of life assumes an essential part in treating your hypertension. On the off chance that you effectively control your circulatory strain with a solid way of life, you may dodge, delay or decrease the requirement for prescription.
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Malaria - Causes and prevention


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Malaria is caused by a parasite called Plasmodium. There are 5 types of Plasmodium which contaminate people:

Plasmodium vivax

Plasmodium falciparum

Plasmodium malariae

Plasmodium ovale
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Causes and prevention of pimples


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Pimples is one of the most serious issue for ladies beginning from young, immature and here and there are found in grown-ups too. Pimples are the consequence of blockage in the skin pores.

The sebaceous organs display in the skin mystery more sebum which worked over the blockage bringing about gathering of disease causing microbes, in this way aggravating the condition more.
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You want to study medicine or dentistry? Read these


It has really been a long time that I posted here, my apologies to my viewers. In this post, I will talk about studying an health related courses in Nigeria. When I say health related courses, I’m talking about medicine and surgery, dentistry and dental surgery,biochemistry,optometry and so on. Let me explain “medicine and surgery” and “dentistry and dental surgery”  since it is the most chosen course in Nigeria  due to wrong perspectives which I will explain later in the post.

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Smoking and its effects

In my previous post/article, I disclosed on the issue of mouth odour
and how to get rid of them. You can read it here
This week, I want to discuss on the matter of smoking and its effect.
It is no longer a new thing under the heaven that people indulge in
smoking for reasons best know to them. But on this post, I will the
tell you most of the effect of smoking to the human body.
Smoking has no other specific meaning than the activity or habit of
smoking cigarette (according to oxford dictionary). Smoking has
contributed to the death of youths and teenagers and also lead to the
introduction of diseases such as lung cancer which i will expatiate
later in this post. According to research, cigarettes contains over
600 ingredients, when it burns, it produce more than 6000 chemicals in
which they are toxic to the body leading to cancer.
Tobacco is made up of different ingredients in which one is Nicotine.
Nicotine is sometimes called mind-altering drugs because it reaches
the brain in some seconds when smoked. For sometime, it makes you feel
more energetic and after that you begin to feel tired. Smoking
increases the risks of cataracts, poor sight and muscular
degeneration. In the body, there is a hormone (for stress) called
CORTICOSTERONE which decreases the effects of the body. So simple
logic will tell you that when you are stressed alto then you need
nicotine to neutralize the effect. This is where ADDICTION set in. You
might be thinking what i meant by addiction but don't worry i will
tell you. Addiction is a condition of being used to a particular thing
or activity. So we are discussing about smoking then i refer addiction
to a condition of being used to smoking.
Withdrawal from smoking can seriously affect your body system and
makes you feel depressed, irritated, headaches and insomnia (sleep
Smoking also affect the lung thereby leading to lung cancer. It
damages the lung which makes it lose it ability to sieve out harmful
chemicals. Thereby leading to high risks of respiratory infections,
flu and colds. According to research, children of smokers are prone to
coughing and asthma attacks. They are also tendency of ear infections,
pneumonia and bronchitis (lung diseases).
Nicotine also causes the blood vessel in our human body to tighten
which restrict the free flow of blood. Thereby leading to high blood
pressure. Smoking also lowers good cholesterol levels which is caused
by the formation of bad cholesterol. Smoking also increases the risk
of forming blood clots in the brain which increases the risk of
STROKE. Smokers also have high risk of blood cancer which is referred
to as LEUKEMIA. Funny aspect of it is that, non smokers are also at
risk. I mean that if you are in a surrounding of where people are
smoking, it can lead to stroke,heart attack and some other heart
Smoking also change the morphology (structure) of the skin. In
otherwords, it causes the discolouration of the skin, premature aging
etc. Smoker usually have yellow stains on the teeth. It increase the
risk of cancer in the mouth, throat, esophagus and other parts of the
oral cavity.

My own simple advice to you is that you should abstain from smoking.
And to those who are already smoking, you have seen the effect of
smoking in your body which i know is enough to help you abstain from

This Is My View. You can also make your view known by using the

comment box below.



Bad breath- Causes and way out

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Imagine being afraid to speak up in public all because of you have bad breath. Having bad breath makes you uncomfortable because you won't be able to talk to any of your friends without you seeing bad expression on their faces. Amazing fact about bad breath is that you won't notice you have bad breath until people around you start telling you.
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Skin bleaching- About bleach creams and side effects


Almost everybody want a light skin believing it will make them look good. Truth be told, light skin makes you beautiful but using bleaching cream without knowing the side effects is the beginning of your skin destruction. The rate at which people are using bleach cream in this modern world is quite alarming. They believe that bleach cream is part of fashion. But am going to open your eye to see what bleach cream can do to your skin within short period of time. Before we go into that, let us look at the powerful content used in producing bleach creams.
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Body odour- cause,solutions and preventions

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Imagine you being in a gathering with your friends and they start avoiding you because your body is oozing out an unpleasant smell. Imagine that shame. You don't need a study doctor to tell you that they are avoiding you because of your body odour. You might have being wondering what cause body odour and how to eliminate them, then you are in the right place to know all that because I am going to shed more light on body odour ( causes and how to eliminate them). Before we proceed, let me tell you what body odour entails.
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