Glaucoma: cause and prevention

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What is glaucoma?

Glaucoma is an eye infection that causes vision misfortune and can cause visual impairment. Glaucoma is unsafe in light of the fact that the most widely recognized sort—called "open-edge" glaucoma—does not for the most part cause side effects at first.

What causes glaucoma?

Most glaucoma happens when the liquid inside your eye does not deplete regularly. (This liquid is not tears, but rather a liquid called "watery diversion.") When liquid develops, so does the weight inside your eye. This weight harms the optic nerve, causing vision misfortune and in the long run visual impairment.

It is conceivable to have glaucoma with typical eye weight. Specialists call this "ordinary pressure glaucoma." It could happen if the optic nerve is delicate or there is poor blood stream to the nerve.

What are the manifestations of glaucoma?

Open-point and ordinary pressure glaucoma don't normally cause indications. In the event that you don't have any acquaintance with you have glaucoma, you won't not see anything until the point when you lose vision. This is the reason glaucoma is at times called the "noiseless criminal of sight."

Vision misfortune from glaucoma can influence things to look hazy around the edges.

A sort of glaucoma called "edge conclusion" or "tight point" glaucoma can cause sudden side effects, including:

Serious eye torment


Queasiness and regurgitating

Radiances around lights

Vision misfortune, including sudden loss of side (fringe) vision

Would it be a good idea for me to get tried for glaucoma?

Indeed. In the event that you are 40 or more seasoned, you require standard general eye exams, including glaucoma testing. This is essential in light of the fact that most glaucoma causes no manifestations in the beginning periods. Without normal eye exams, you could lose vision to glaucoma before you know you have it.

How is glaucoma treated?

The primary medicines for glaucoma include:

Remedy eye drops – These contain medications to lessen the measure of liquid your eye produces, increment liquid waste and mitigate weight inside the eye. Some solution eye drops accomplish more than one of these things.

Surgery – Laser or customary surgery can help liquid deplete from the eye

Point conclusion (limit edge) glaucoma goes ahead all of a sudden. It is a therapeutic crisis. A specialist can do laser treatment to diminish weight inside the eye. You may likewise require meds or different medications.

Would glaucoma be able to be counteracted?

General eye exams can recognize glaucoma early, when treatment has the most obvious opportunity with regards to anticipating vision misfortune.

On the off chance that your specialist endorses eye drops or different drugs, utilize them precisely as coordinated, and enlighten your specialist concerning any reactions. Powerful treatment can help keep vision misfortune from glaucoma.


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